Know Your Mechanics


Know Your Mechanics Modules

Module 1 Low Back Mechanics

    • Seated Posture for Back Health see link for more info.

    • Best Ways to Squat, Lift, Push, and Pull for Back Health see link for more info.

    • Back Care - Practices to Make your Back Healthier see link for more info.

Assessment-Low Back and Assessment-see link for more info.- Posture, Range of Motion, and Movement Assessments. 

Module 2 Neck Mechanics

    Best Ways to use your Mobile Devices

    Best Ways to Work at your Computer Station

    Neck Care - Practices to Make your Neck Healthier

see link for more info.

Assessment-Neck Assessment-see link for more info.- Posture, Range of Motion, and Movement Assessments.

Module 3 Standing Ergonomics

see link for more info.

Examples Slides