Neck Assessment


The Neck Assessment is a 20 minute evaluation that gives you an understanding if your posture, range of motion, mobile device use, and breathing are within normal limits and if they could affect neck health.

From this report certain stretches, exercises, and daily habits may be recommended to make your neck healthier and stable. Recommended exercises are simple and safe and usually require only several minutes to perform.

Avoid pain and disability with this simple and individualized program.

Sign up for a Neck Assessment with Chris Morin Health Coach/ Exercise Specialist

See an Example of Neck Assessment at

Neck Assessment.pdf

What Physical Keys Matter in Terms of Neck Health

There are certain physical keys when it comes to Neck; all of which will be measured in the Neck Assessment.

Posture Matters: Posture measures gives you an understanding if you

have body balance and symmetry throughout your neck and shoulders. Being too

rounded in your shoulders and  forward with your head places stress on the spine.
This is hand in hand with ergonomics.

Ergomomics Matters: How we work at our desks, with our PDAs, and in life matters when it comes to neck health.

Range of Motion Matters: Neck range of motion measures allow an understanding if neck move freely throughout a normal range of motion. Normal range of motion is the very protective when it comes to neck health.

Movement Matters: Performing a row or curl exercise can tell if you use your upper shoulders and neck when you pull or curl. This undue stress overtime can impact the neck and spine.

Strength Matters: The deep cervical flexor muscles endurance of the neck is one of the keys to neck health. 

Breathing Matters: Breathing from the chest places undue stress on your shoulders and neck and can cause you to feel more anxious and stressed.

The neck assessment offers easy tests to understand where you are at when it comes to breathing, motion, and posture in relation to neck health.