Calorie Watchers Talks

Past Informative Talks

Weekly Talks (15 minutes)-8 Talks

1. Pick a diet Plan / How to design a Healthy Plate / Make an appointment for Bio-metrics

2. Pick an exercise Plan / Exercise and weight loss / My diet tips / Start keeping a log

3. Calories ins and outs / What are calories? Food instincts.

4. How to make yourself feel full. What are macro and micronutrients?

5. Portion Control. What are fats?

6. Reading food labels. What are carbs (includes fiber)?

7. Women and Weight Loss. What are proteins? Food addictions.

8. Fad Diets / Vitamins and minerals.

Other Topics:

• Why you should know your numbers (waist circumferences, ab skinfold, A1C)

• Supplements

PDF Files
Introduction-Calorie Watchers Introduction.pdf 
Week 1-Pick a diet-Week 1 Calorie Watchers.pdf
Week 2-Pick an exercise program-Week 2 Calorie Watchers.pdf
Week 3-Fat loss tips and Calories-Calorie Watchers Week 3 pdf.pdfWeek 4
Week 4-How to work with Food Instincts-Calorie Watchers Week 4.pdf
Week 5-Macronutrients -Week 5 Calorie Watchers.pdf
Week 6-Micronutrients -Week 6 calorie watchers.pdf
Week 7-Portion Control-Week 7 Portion Distortion.pdf
Week 8-Food Labels-WEEK 8.pdfCalorie_Watchers_Talks_files/Calorie%20Watchers%20Introduction.pdfCalorie_Watchers_Talks_files/Week%201%20Calorie%20Watchers.pdfCalorie_Watchers_Talks_files/Week%202%20Calorie%20Watchers.pdfCalorie_Watchers_Talks_files/Calorie%20Watchers%20Week%203%20pdf.pdfCalorie_Watchers_Talks_files/Calorie%20Watchers%20Week%204.pdfCalorie_Watchers_Talks_files/Week%205%20Calorie%20Watchers.pdfCalorie_Watchers_Talks_files/Week%206%20calorie%20watchers.pdfCalorie_Watchers_Talks_files/Week%207%20Portion%20Distortion.pdfCalorie_Watchers_Talks_files/WEEK%208.pdfCalorie_Watchers_Talks_files/Calorie%20Watchers%20Introduction_1.pdfshapeimage_2_link_0shapeimage_2_link_1shapeimage_2_link_2shapeimage_2_link_3shapeimage_2_link_4shapeimage_2_link_5shapeimage_2_link_6shapeimage_2_link_7shapeimage_2_link_8