


If you’re starting a program please complete a PAR-Q (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)) and seek physician clearance if warranted or if you have any physical issues (PAR-Q).

Make sure you warm up before stretching or any exercising. A warm up can be as simple as marching in place or taking a walk or large body movements like the body flow video (body flow). A warm up prepares the body for physical activity.

Formal exercise is designed to systematically increase heart rate, raise metabolism, and stress the musculature. If you have any heart, joint, muscle pain or any unusual sensation stop and assess.

Remember the saying:

No pain, no gain. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.... No effort or no consistency, no gain. RIGHT, RIGHT,RIGHT.

Remember to breathe, don’t hold your breath. Holding breath where you close your mouth and bear down on a closed glottis increases blood pressure and stresses your heart.

It is always a good idea to stretch after formal exercise. remember the effects of stretching is short lived, therefore it should be done almost daily.

Always bend from your hips and not your waist, keeping the lower back (lumbar area) neutral, where the lower back has a slight natural curve. Try to keep your abdomen in. It helps stabilizes the spine, which protects it.